1. You are able to start your own online business as far as reselling. You can earn money by doing consignments for other people. What this means is that you build an online store where you can sell items, or even utilize eBay. It's pretty simple when you want to work at home.
The person will bring you an item of value, you appraise it. (Often times you can find the value by doing research online.) You will then sell the item for that person and take your fee from the profit the person has earned from selling their item. This is done a lot with antiques and other collectables.
This, just like any other business can start off slow. You can start out with your own items or even those of family members. This will help build your "activity" on the website you build or your eBay account.
2. Another way that you are able to earn money is to buy from companies like SNC. This is also hard to do as there are so many other people doing the same thing. I actually tried doing this because I thought it was ingenious! HOWEVER, I was sorely mistaken! I put a few different listings on eBay and found the same item for so many different prices. One item was on there about twenty times. You can utilize companies like this if you rent a booth at a flee market and work it one day or two days on the weekend.
3. Blogging. This will start off slow, but if you have the time, then you will make it. Here is some tips to help you. I have researched this for a while now and I have am getting ready to start doing this in a serious manner now that I know a LOT more.
First, when you write a "hub" or "post" you will need to make sure that it is on a subject people are actually going to look up. To help you, you can Google the "top searches" of that month. However, if you stick with the important stuff in the news, popular past times, or anything that people would normally look up. It is not only a way to work from home, but it's fun too!
Keep these in mind too; the title and the length of the article. People are looking for interesting articles about the subject that they are looking up. The title needs to be written with a little pizzazz! An example would be; running a marathon. The title that you should use instead would be, "Do Not Pass Out - Run the Marathon". Anything that will catch someone's eye will be great. Along with the title, the next thing you need to remember is to keep your article informative. Make sure that it is personalized, but not with out facts either.
Also, if you want to go a little further with getting traffic to your "hub" or "post" you can use the principles of SEO writing. SEO stands for; search engine optimization. You do this by the percent of the insertion of the keyword that the searcher is trying to find. If your article is about 500 words, then try to use the keyword every 100 to 150 words.
If you are writing an article about knitting a blanket, then you will have to use that keyword every 100-150 words to make sure that it ranks high in the search that the search engine displays for that person. (You are even able to bold the keywords in the article to help the search engine spider to pin point the fact that your article is the article that is most relevant for the searcher.
4. If you are very interested in writing, then there are sites that you are able to sign up for and obtain employers. These can be hard to start, however, luckily I have already went through this and am still doing this. (If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I am always ready to help a fellow writer.)
These sites work like this; you sign up, fill in your profile the best that you can (Make it sound professional, look at your profile like an application or resume.) After that, you will then bid on jobs. These sites give you a certain amount of bids that you are able to do with in one month. You will then browse through the job listings and find the jobs that you are able to do. Keep in mind when you bid that you will need to "sweeten the pot". For example; you notice there are other bids that say, "30 articles of 500 words for 100 dollars - deadline 5 days". You can evaluate your work time and typing speed. If you can do this job cheaper or faster, or even both, then you can bid on it and possibly get the job. The employers do not want to spend money if they do not have to. Plus, getting the work faster is even better to them when you want to work from home.
To prepare for jobs, you will need to display some sample work. It is good to have at least 2 samples of different works.
- Press Releases, Product Reviews, SEO Articles, Opinionated Columns, Etc.
You do not have to have real ones, just make up a keyword, subject, or even a new business to be able to show your skills. Make sure that you attach the related samples to your bids.
You do get paid through these sites. Your "employers" will not see your personal payment options in these sites. The sites take a fee. This is to help them operate and maintain a work environment for you to be able to work. (Although, there are some that take a HUGE percent and leave you wondering why you even wasted your time with that project. I will warn you through the list.) Plus, do not worry about taxes, you can keep track of the earnings and they will have you fill out w2s. (I will make another hub to explain how you can stay legit.)
The best site to start with is freelancer.com. You will not be impressed by the amount of money on some jobs, but just like any job, you have to start at the bottom. As the time goes on, or rather the more jobs you get, you will earn ratings and a rep.
This site has SO many different types of jobs you would be amazed. The membership is free, you just have to work through their site (get paid through there) that way they are able to obtain their fees, which are actually minimal. Great site, I love it.
Another site is guru.com. You are able to use this just as you do freelancer.com, however, the fees on this one are pretty big. An example is I did a project for 120. At the ending when I got paid, I left with under 100. BIG CHUNK! (But that's the price you pay when you work from home.)
Elance.com is a good one, however, in order to bid on more jobs you have to take tests about the site. They start you off with 2 bids with in a month. I am not sure how the fees are with this, I have not gotten hired with this site. I gave up because of the tests. I do not have time to go through pages and pages. If I need to know something at that moment, I use the ever-so-loved Google. (PROPS TO GOOGLE!) (Elance is transitioning to join Upwork.com)
There are a few more options, but I have listed you the fastest way you can start earning that cash flow. I will be writing a hub on how to sign up for Paypal and lift your limits that they give you. (Hassle, yes, I know.) Plus, a few others for you to read that will be of importance to you when you decide to go into the freelancing business.
I have listed many different ways that you are able to make money from home. If you have any questions or comments on this article, please, feel free to leave them. I will help you out as much as possible and I hope that this article helped. :)
If you would like any advice or additional information that I did not put in the article, send me a message. I check my account daily for the activity. As I did say though, I will be writing more articles on all of the process; PayPal, seo, blogging, adsense, and more. Follow me to stay updated. Welcome to the wonderful world of having a chance to work from home.
If you would like any advice or additional information that I did not put in the article, send me a message. I check my account daily for the activity. As I did say though, I will be writing more articles on all of the process; PayPal, seo, blogging, adsense, and more. Follow me to stay updated. Welcome to the wonderful world of having a chance to work from home.
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